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Gauze, Bandage & Cotton
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Stomac Wash Tube (p/pc)
Cod clamp (p/pc)
Zoller sucker Nozzle (p/pc)
Zinc Oxyphosphate cement (30gm powder + 15gm Liquid)
Zinc Oxide powder (500 gm p/pkt)
Y- type Graft (polyster Docron (coated Y-Graft size -18mm x 8)
Y- type Graft (polyster Docron (coated Y-Graft size -16mm x 8)
Y- type Graft (polyster Docron (coated Y-Graft size -14mm x 8)
Yellow tips (0.5-100ml) (1000pcs /pack )
X- Ray view box with straight tube light (Single/Double) (Std size)
X- Ray view box (single) (p/pc)
X- Ray view box (Double) (p/pc)
X- Ray lead Number (09,200s RTS12(A-Z))
X- Ray Intensifying sceen (High speed) (Size 12'' x 10'')
X- Ray Intensifying sceen (High speed) (size 10'' x 8'')
X- Ray Intensifying sceen (High speed) (Size 14 x 14'')
X- Ray Intensifying sceen (High speed) (Size 15 x 12'')
X- Ray filim Hanger (size 10'' x 8'')
X- Ray filim Hanger (Size 12'' x 10'')
X- Ray filim Hanger (Size 14 x 14'')
X- Ray filim Hanger (Size 15 x 12'')
X- Ray Developing tank (20 Liter capacity)
X -Ray Cassette (size 10'' x 8'')
X -Ray Cassette (Size 14 x 14'')
X -Ray Cassette (Size 15 x 12'')
Wire Pusher (Do)
Wire Cutter (std size)
Wire bender (Do)
Wire (Heat prove) 7/20-7/22 single core for operation light (p/pc)
Willson's forceps (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
White tips (90.5-100) (1000pes/pack)
Wells enu cleatoin spoon (std size per piece)
Weller dissecting scissor (280mm)
Weil blakestey forceps straight 90o&45o upturned (set of 3) (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Weight Mesure Machine (Do)
Weight Machine (baby) portable (Do)
Weight Machine (baby) non portable (Do)
Weight Machine (Adult) portable (Do)
Weight Machine (Adult) non portable (std size)
Water Filter for presting 24i Tokyo Boeki (01 set (5pcs))
Water Channel (p/pc)
Water bath (Do)
Waste Line for nova Blood gas analyxer (pHOX) (pc)
Waste jar state Fax 3300 semi Auto Biochemistry Analyzer (1pc)
Walsham redressing forceps (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Wair cutter Dental (p/pc)
W/R pump Tubing Assembly for Nova blood gas analyzer (pHox) (pc)
W/H/R pump Tubing fpr Nova -4 Electrolyte Analyzer (Ac )
Volselum forcep (std size)
Vollsetum forcep (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Volkmann Bone curator (13cm/17cm/p/pc)
Volk 90 D ( For slit lamp) For Glaucoma dept (p/pc)
Volk 78 D ( For slit lamp) For Glaucoma dept (p/pc)
Volk -60 D USA (p/pc)
Vitrectomy infusion cannula ((4mm,6mm,tip))
Victrectomy set (p/pc)
Venturi Tip wrench v 250A Alcon (p/pc)
Vantilator patient circuit (p/pc)
Ventilator 02 sensor (p/pc)
Ventilator air inlet (p/pc)
Venous cannula (sterile) (Curve metallic ) (14F/16F/18F/26F/28F/30F/32F)
Vascular forceps (Large/Medium/small size)
Vascular Dilator (p/pc)
Vanan's catraract scissor (straight) (Do)
Vanan's catraract scissor (Curve) (Do)
Vaccum Extractor (std size)
Uterine Tenaculum (Do)
Uterine sound SS (std)
Uterine curette (Blunt/sharp ended) (p/pc)
Uterine curette (sim's)sharp (std)
USG tharmal paper / Echo paper (p/pc)
Urinometer (Do)
Urine collecting bag (various size)
Urinal plastic (p/pc)
Urinal (plastic) Male (Do)
Urinal (Male) ss (Metal) (Do)
Urinal (Female ) ss Plastic (Do)
Urinal (Female)SS (Metal) (Do)
Upper straight Forcep ((Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Upper Molar forcep (RT) (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Upper Molar forcep (LT) (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Upper anterior forcep (Dental ) (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Up cutting Raunger (Do)
Universal forceps (lower&uper Left &Right) (per piece)
Ultrasonic scaller (std size)
Ultrasonic Dental scalar (Do)
Tying forceps (Straight) (p/pc)
Tying forceps (Angled) (Do)
Two stage venous cannula size -32F
Two stage venous cannula (size -30F)
Two stage venous cannula (size -28F )
Two pronged rounf ended isthmus retractor (p/pc)
Twizer (p/pc)
Twining fork (512 HZ)
Twin Gastro jejustonomy clamp (Do)
Turobosonics tip for up trade phaco hand priece 30'' kelman 1.1 mm (Ret 30kt Alcon) (p/pc)
Turbosonic tipto phaco hand piece (30 kelmen)
Turbinectomy scissor (Inferior and middle) (p/pc)
Turbin Hand piece ( straight) (Do)
Turbine hand piece ( contra angle) (Do)
Turbine cartidge (Do)
Tuning fork (512Hz) (p/pc)
Tubing set for sinature machine (AMO) opo -70 Fusion pack (p/pc)
Tubing internal for state Fax 3300 semi Auto Biochemistry (1pc)
Tube probe for Eppendort ECOM semi Auto Biochemistry Analyzer (2pcs)
Tube probe for Eppendorf (2pcs)
Tube for sucker (No;14,16,18(pc))
True cut Biopsy needle (p/pc)
Trimming stone (Do (per piece))
Trial lens set (Complete) (std size)
Tracheotomy set (complete) (Do )
Tracheal dilator (std size)
T p;ate (Do)
Towel clip (17''x54'',p/pc)
Tourch light bag size (p/pc)
Tooth Forceps -8''( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Tooth Forceps -6''( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Tooth Forceps -4''( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Tonsillor scissor (Do)
Tonsillectomy scissors (sharp point & curved) ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Tonsillar snare wire (26G 24G) (p/pc)
Tonsill dissecter with anterior pollar retractor (Do)
Tonsil holding forcep (std size)
Tongue spatula (57x18mm)
Tongue spatula (75x5mm)
Tongue spatula (67 x 22 mm)
Tongue Dpressor (metal set) (std size)
Taitanium curved nothched forceps same as cat No F 107 Inor (p/pc)
Taitanium straight toothed forcep (0.1mm,0.2mm)
Titanium straight plain forceps (Do)
Titanium Iris straight scissors (std size)
Titanium Iris angular scissors (Do)
Titanium curved tying forcep (0.1mm,0.2mm)
Titanium curve plain forcep (0.1mm,0.2mm)
Titanium curve plain forcep (Do)
Titanium venoun scissors Angled (Do)
Titanium vennus straight scissors (Do)
Tafitanium vannas Angled scissors same as cat NO S -104 Inor/ (Do)
Tafitanium vannas Angled scissors same as cat NO S -106Inor/ India (Do)
Tafitanium vannas Angled scissors same as cat NO S -107 Inor/ India (Do)
Titanium straight toothed forceps same as cat No F 102 Inor (Do)
Titanium straight toothed forceps same as cat No F 104 Inor (Do)
Titanium straight plain forceps same as cat NO F -101 Inor (Do)
Titanium straight notched forceps same as cat NoF -103 Inor (Do)
Titanium stenization trays size 280 x 135x 40mm same as cat no T 101 Titanium stragight toothed forceps 0.2 mm same as cat NO ; F -105 (Do)
Titanium speculams (Do)
Titanium respository (Do)
Ttanium repositor same as cat No ;pr 10 Inor (Do)
Titanium proving phaco chop (Do)
Titanium probing phaco chop same as cat No pR -80 Inor (Do)
Titanium probing needles phaco spatula ''Y"" Rotetor same as cat No: DPR 60 Inor (Do)
Titanium probing Needles lester style lens Manipulator same as cat No: PR -50 Inor (Do)
Titanium probing needle steel phaco same as cat No PR-170Inor (Do)
Titanium probing needle steel phaco prob same as cat No DPR -130 Inor (Do)
Titanium probing needles steele phaco soatula ''Y "" Rotetor (Do)
Titanium probing needle noclear speal phaco spatula same as cat No: DpR -140 (Do)
Titanium probing needle nuclear phaco spatula (Do)
Titanbium probing needle lester style lens (Do)
Titanium probing needle and specialties phaco spatula sharp Buld (Do)
Titanium probing needoes visual axis marker same as cat NOPR -150 inor (Do)
Titanium printed straght scissor (Do)
Titanium prechopper forceps straight (Do)
Titanium prechopper forceps Angulated (Do)
Titanium pc pherson Angled forceps 12mm same as cat No; F-111 Inor (Do)
Titanium nucleus splitter forceps same as cat No: F -119 Inor (Do)
Titanium nucleus splitter forceps (Do)
Titanium no Hole IOL Manipulator cat No PR-40 Inor (Do)
Titanium Needles holding forceps corved without lock same as cat No N -104 Inor (Do)
Titanium Needles Holding forceps Barraquer str With lock Same as cat No N -105 Inor (Do)
Titanium Needle Holding Forceps Without lock (Do)
Titanium Needle Holding forceps with Lock (Do)
Titanium needle hloding forceps curved Without lock (p/pc)
Titanium needle hloding forceps curved With lock (Do)
Titanium needle hloding forceps straight Without lock (Do)
Titanium needle hloding forceps straight With lock (Do)
Titanium needle hloding forceps curved Without lock (Do)
Titanium morfields forceps (std size)
Titanium Mooorfilelds forceps same as cat No F -126 Inor (p/pc)
Titanium Mc pherson angled forcep (10mm)
Titanium Mc pherson Angled forceps 10mm same as cat No F -110 Inor (p/pc)
Titanium Mc pherson angled forcep (12mm)
Titanium lims forceps same as cat No F 121 inor (Do)
Titanium lens insertor forceps same as cal No F 118 Inor (Do)
Titainum inserter folder forceps (Do)
Titainum lens folder forceps (Do)
Titanium lens folder& inserter Round body (Do)
Titanium lens folder&inserter .Flat body (Do)
Titanium lens forceps (Do)
Titanium iris straigh scissors same as cat No S 101 inor (p/pc)
Titanium iris curved scissors same caot No S 103 inor (p/pc)
Titanium iris curved scissors (Do)
Titanium iris angled scissors same as cat NO: S 102 Inor (p/pc)
Titanium lens folder forceps same as cat No F 117 Inor (p/pc)
Titanium Hole IOL Manipulatur (Do)
Titanium folder lens insertor forceps (Do)
Titanium folder lens loader forceps (Do)
Titanium foldable tens insertor forceps same as cat no F -124 inor (p/pc)
Titanium foldable tens insertor forceps same as cat no F -125 inor (p/pc)
Titanium Wxtra fine skin hook (Do)
Titanium Extra fine hook sinisky bechert ''Y"" cat No pR _ 20 inor (p/pc)
Titanium curved tooth corcep (0.1mm,0.2mm)
Titanium curved notched forcep (0.1mm,0.2mm)
Titanium coreal fine curved scissors same as cat No -S - 109 inor /india (p/pc)
Titanium coreal fine curved scissors same as cat No -S - 110 inor /india (p/pc)
Titanium coreal fine curved scissors same as cat No -S - 108 inor (p/pc)
Titanium connector Quinton 2 part (single )
Titanium colibri tying forceps same as cat No F 112 inor (p/pc)
Titanium colibri tying forrcep (0.1mm,0.2mm)
Titanium colibri tooth forceps 0.2mm same as cat NO F- 115inor (p/pc)
Titanium colibri tooth forceps 0.1mm same as cat NO F- 114 inor (p/pc)
Titanium colibri notched forcep (0.1mm,0.2mm)
Titanium coibri notiched forceps same as cot no F-113 Inor (p/pc)
Titanium Claymans Lens holding forceps ''T'' Type (std size)
Titanium Claymans Lens holding forceps ''L'' Type (std size)
Titanium capsulorhexis forcep same as cat No F 116 inor (p/pc)
Titanium capsulorhexis forcep (std size)
Titanium Blade handle (Do)
Titanium Bechert Y (Do)
Titanium acrylic holders forceps (Do)
Titanium Acrygel insertor forceps (Do)
Titanium Acrygel folder forceps (Do)
Titanium straight tying forcep (Do)
Titanium straight notched forcep (0.1mm,0.2mm)
Tita vannas Angled scissors same as cat No: S 105 , Inor (Do)
Tissue Maniputator (p/pc)
Tissue forceps (1.3 teeth) (1.30mm)
Tissue forceps (1.2 teeth) (1.5mm)
Tissu forceps (hilboro or Equivalent) (p/pc)
Timer (Do)
Tilley's forceps (Hilbro or Equivalent) (p/pc)
Tiger catheter sterile (5F (full set))
Thudicum nasal speculum different sizes (set of 3) (p/pc)
Three way stopcock (Do)
Thermoneter (std size)
Test tube Rack (30 Holes metalic p/pc)
Test tube Holder (p/pc)
Test Trbe 3'' (100pcs /Box)
Test tube (Glass) (size 4'',6'')
Tensioner (Double tension band wiring) (std size)
Tentomy scisssor straight (std size pc)
Tentomy scisssor pointed (std size pc)
Tenoton scissor curved (std size pc)
Tendon stripper closed ((4,7,8,9))
Tendon stripper (open) ((4,7,8,9))
Tenacullun (p/pc)
Telies forcep (long type) (Do)
Teflon Zig (p/pc)
Teflon Tube for prestige 24i Tokyo Boeki (01 set (2Pcs))
Teflon Felt (size-6'' x 6'', 15cm x 15cm)
T Dialer (For glaucoma dept) inor pR 50 (p/pc)
TC02 Membrane for nova 4 Electrolyte Analyzer (6/pk)
TC 021 kMixer for nova 4 Electrolyte Analyzer (AC)
TC Bur for straight hand piece (Rounf Fissue inverted cane) (std size)
Tatanium needle holding forceps Barraquer str Without lock (Do)
Tap (AO) (3.5/4.5)
Tangstine carbide bar (Do)
T/C Straight Bar for Micro moto (p/pc)
T. tube (No14,16,18(pc))
TC02 condition solution for nova 4 Electrolyte Analyzer (kit)
Swab stick (Wooden) (std size (pk))
Suture tying Forceps (Straight) (150mm)
Suture tying Forceps (curved) (150mm)
Suture tuing forceps (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Surgical wire (std size )
Surgical scissor (SS) (curved pointed tip) (size 5''6''7'')
Surgical scissor (SS) (Straight Blunt tip) (size 8''9'')
Surgical scissor (SS) (Straight Blunt tip) (size 5''6''7'')
Surgicla scissor (SS) (curved pointed tip) (size 8'',9'')
Surgical needle (Curved Round body) (No 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,per dizen)
Surgical needle (Curved cutting body) (No 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,per Dozen )
Surgical Dressing scissor (SS) (size 5''6'')
Surface Electrode (p/pc)
Superior rectus Forceps (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Suction tube (disposable) (Do)
Sucker nozzle ss (std size)
Sucker nozzle plastic (Different sizes) (p/pc)
Sucker machine (Electrical) (Do)
Sucker Bottle with Rubber cork ( 5 litre capacity bottle) (p/pc)
Stylus for ECG machine (p/pc)
Strip for Gluco meter (p/pc)
Straight /reversed Irrigating / Aspirating cannula (Fine ) (Do)
Straight elevator (Dental) (p/pc)
Str/Reversed Irrigating /Aspirating cannula (fine) (p/pc)
Stop watch (1 pcs)
Stone forcep (Do)
Stitch cutting scissor (S.S) (size 4'',5''6'',7'')
Stevens dissecting scissors (Straight) (Do)
Stevens dissecting scissors (curved) (Do)
Stethescope A/pk2 (Do)
Stethescope -Child (Do)
Stethescope -Adult (Do)
Stemal puncture needle (std size)
Sterilizing case with silicon material (Do)
Step reamer for femoral screw ( interlocking system) (Do)
Stent introducing set 10fr (p/pc)
Stand type OT Light (Do)
Stain man pin (3.5-5.5mm)
Stabimus scissor ss (size -5''6'')
ST Marten forceps (Do (per piece))
SS Fissure Bar for straight micro motor (p/pc)
Squint hook (p/pc)
Sprit (500ml/Bottol)
Spring scissor corneal (std size)
Spot light with emergency power source (p/pc)
Spoon curatte (Do)
Sponge holding forceps (medium size)
Sponge holding forceps (large size)
spirit lamp ss (Do)
Spinal needle jwith intro(pencil point 0.50x 90mm Must be cE Marked (B.Braunor (p/pc)
Spinal needle (No 25,27)
Specimen jar Glass (Do)
Spare bulb for operating microscope (12v100vw (reflector type bulb))
Sodium sensor for nova 4 Electrolyte Analyzer) (pc)
Socket scleral depressor (Double end) (std size per piece)
Small parts for phaco (Ref , 201sp Alcon) (p/pc)
Small bowl (non magnetic (Dia 6'',7'')
Slide Rack S line Tubing for nova 4 Electrolyte Analyzer (6/pk)
Slide Rack (Do)
Skin needle holder (std size)
Skin hook (Do)
Skin carrier plate sterile packed (0.045138889)
Skin carrier plate sterile packed (0.04375)
Sitting tool (Rotating) (p/pc)
Sipper Assembly for Eppendorf ECOM semi Auto BiochemistryAnalyzer (1 set)
Sinus Knife (sickle knife) (p/pc)
Sinus forceps (std size)
Sinus biopsy forceps (p/pc)
Sinus curate (p/pc)
Sinisky hook (std size per piece)
Sin sin band (100pcs/Box)
Sims's posterior vaginal speculum (p/pc)
Sim's vaginal speculums (small)
Sim's vaginal speculums (Medium)
Simple Delicate Hook 16cm (p/pc)
Simple Delicate Hook 13cm (p/pc)
Simen forceps (std size)
Simco cannula (p/pc)
Silk theread black braided (25 Yards) (No,1/0,2/0,3/0)
Silk thread black braided (25 yards) (No,1/0,2/0,3/0)
Silk thred (Black) (6/0(25/Roll))
Silk thred (Black) (4/0(25/Roll))
Silk birgin 8/0 atroumatic Double armed micropoint (per piece)
Silicon clamp for Eppendorf ECOM semi Auto Biochemistry analyzer (1set)
Silcock needle holder (std per piece)
Sideport micro blade (std size (pk))
Sickle knife (Long) (std size (Pk))
Snea aural cup forceps oval cup jaw 3mm jaw daimeter 0.5mm 80mmto shoulder (p/pc)
Shea aural (cup) forcep oval cup jaw 3mm jaw daimeter 0.5mm ,80mm to shouldar analed to Right (p/pc)
Shea aural (cup) forcep oval cup jaw 3mm jaw daimeter 0.5mm ,80mm to shouldar analed to Right (p/pc)
Shen (Micro Flap ) Elevator (p/pc)
Shaker LAB (p/pc)
Shadow less lamp for OT spot light Wy 24v 25Watt (p/pc)
Shadow less lamp for OT spot light (24v, 50 watt)
Self retaining mastoid retractor (std size (pk))
Self retaining Bon holding reduction clip (std size)
Self retaining retractor (std size)
Section Trephine (Do)
Screw Driver 3.5mm 4.5mm (p/pc)
Screw driver (std size)
Scissors (mayo) sma;; ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Scissor Tubing (Do)
Scissor Myomectomy (hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Scissor hand piece (std)
Scissor hand piecescissor fine (Hilbro or equivalent ) curved /straight (size-2''/4''/6''/8''/10''/p/pc)
Scissor (straight Medium (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Scissor (Fine polt's (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Schuknecht pick straight fine pointed tip 45%angulated (45degree fine needle) (p/pc)
Schocket scleral Depressor double end same as cot NO AA 1310/ Medelec (p/pc)
Schiotztonometer (per piece)
Scalpel handle (Angular) Blades (Do)
Scalpel handle (Baynot)blade (Do)
Scale for femoral screw (Do)
Scale for femoral screw (Do)
Satume tying forceps (std size)
Satinisley clamp (Large)
Satinisley clamp (small/Medium/size)
Satinisley clamp (Medium)
Sample Rack S,S 96 Sample (p/pc)
Sample Rack S,S 40 Sample (p/pc)
Sample /Air Detector for nova blood gas analizer (phox) (pc)
Salin set
Sac dissector (p/pc)
S.S sterilizing case with silicon mat size 210x125x20mm same as cat No IG 7010
S.S sterilizing case with silicon mat size 170x82x20mm same as cat No IG 7005
S.S jar e ltd (std size (Pk))
SS sterlizing case with silicon mat (size 21x125x20mm)
Rush nil reamer (std size)
Rush nail punch (Do)
Rush nil cutter (Do)
Rle stainless steel same as cat No so 46 (p/pc)
Rubber suction tube (std size)
Rubber calheter (No3-12(pc))
Rubber bowl (Do)
Rubber ballon for BP Machine (std size)
Round tip angled suction tube with finger control different size (set of 3) (p/pc)
Round body needle (small/Medium/size)
Root canal scaller (14gm powder)
Root canal plugger (45-80) (6pc per box) (25mm)
Root canal plugger (15-40) (6pc per box) (21mm, 25mm)
Root canal file (Reame) No 45-80 (Do)
Root canal file (Reame) No 15-45 (Do)
Root canal (K file) (No 15-40/45/80,pk (6))
Root canal file (Hfile )No 15-40 (Do)
Rollet Rougine for lacrimal sac same as cat no AA -1385/Medelec (p/pc)
Right angle retractor (Large /Medium/Small size)
Rib spreaders (p/pc)
Rib shears (p/pc)
Rib retractor and approxinator (std size)
Rib cutter pediatric (Do)
Rib contractors (p/pc)
Rhinoplasty set (cottle .silver. Claus .josepth Fomon Gallaher .cattle neivert walsham) (p/pc)
Retrograde ostial cannula (different size)
Retractor volkan Blunt (p/pc)
Retractor Thoracic rib (p/pc)
Retractor self Relaining (p/pc)
Retractor Richandson Eastem (p/pc)
Retractor parker Langer Back (p/pc)
Relaractor Doyen's Abdominal (single Blade ) (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Relractor Deaver (p/pc)
Retinoscope with spare bulb (std size)
Retinoscope (Minimum 18 month Replacement Warrenty) (p/pc)
Resuscitator set / Ambu Bag-Infant (p/pc)
Resuscitator set / Ambu Bag Adult (p/pc)
Refrigator (10CFT)
Reference sensor for nova 4 Electrolyte Analyzer (AC)
Reference sensor for nova 4 Electrolyte Analyzer (AC)
Rectal speculum (Different Size) (p/pc)
Rectal Dilator (infant) (p/pc)
Re breathing Bag (1 liter,1.5liter)
Reamer (15-40) (6pcs per Box) (21mm, 25mm)
Reamer (45-80) (6pcs per Box) (25mm)
Reagent hamess lone for nova 4 Electrolyte Analyzer (pc)
Re breathing Bag (2liter ,2.5liter )
Rzzor blade breaker and holder 12mm long same as cat No IG 5020
Raynold's seissors (175mm)
Radial sheath sterile (6F (full set0)
Radial sheath sterile (5F (full set))
Radial Guide / cath sterile (size-6F Left shape )
Radial Guide / cath sterile (size -6F right shape)
Radial Guide / cath sterile (size-5F Left shape )
Radial Guide / cath sterile (size-5F Right shape )
Pyre's crushing clamp (S;S) (Do)
Pyre's crushing clamp (Do)
puntum Dilator (Different size) (p/pc)
punch & Biopsy forceps (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Punch foeceps (std size)
PTCA Guiding Catheter Amplatz (Size -6F AR-II)
PTCA Guiding Catheter Amplatz (size-6F,AR-I)
PTCA Guiding Catheter Amplatz (size-6F ,AL-III)
PTCA Guiding Catheter Amplatz (size 6F, AL -II)
PTCA Guiding Catheter Amplatz (size -6F ,L-I)
PTCA Guiding Catheter (size -7F , JL -4.0)
PTCA Guiding Catheter (size -7F , JL -3.5)
PTCA Guiding Catheter (size -7F , JL -3.5)
PTCA Guiding Catheter (size -7F , JL -3.0)
PTCA Guiding Catheter (size -6F , JL -4.0)
PTCA Guiding Catheter (size -6F , JL -4.0)
PTCA Guiding Catheter (size -6F , JL -3.5)
PTCA Guiding Catheter (size -6F , JL -3.0)
PTCA Guiding Catheter (size -6F , jr -3.5)
PTCA Guide wire Intermediate (size-014'' x 180 cm-190cm)
PTCA Guide wire floop size (size-014'' x 180 cm-190cm)
PTCA Exchange Guide wire Intermediate (size-014'' x 300cm)
PTCA Exchange Guide wire extra support (size 014'' x 180 cm-190cm)
PTCA Exchange Guide wire extra support (size -014'' x 300cm)
PTCACTO WIRE (size 014'' x 180cm -190cm)
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (double marker) (size -1.5 x20mm)
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (double marker) (sixe -15.5 x 15mm)
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (size -4.0 x 08mm-10nn)
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (size-3 x 8mm-10mm (non complaint))
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (size-3 x 8mm-10mm (non complaint))
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (size-3 x 8mm-10mm (non complaint))
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (size-3 x 8mm-10mm (non complaint))
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (size-3 x 8mm-10mm (non complaint))
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (size-2.75 x 08mm (non complaint))
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (size-2.5 x 30 mm)
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (size-2.5 x 20mm)
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (size-2.5 x 15mm)
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (size-2.5 x 10mm)
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (Size-2.0x 20mm (double marker))
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (Size-2 x 15mm (double marker))
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (Size-2 x 10mm (double marker))
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (Size-1.5 x 10mm)
PTCA Balloon catheter sterile (Size 3.0 x 08mm-10mm(semi complaint))
PTCA Balloon catheter (sterile size -3.0 x 15 mm)
prosthesis Eeamer (p/pc)
prostate Biopsy Gun (p/pc)
Proline mesh (std size)
proctoscope (paedilric size) minimum 18 month replacement warrenty (p/pc)
proctoscope (Large /Medium/Small size)
probe set for state Fx 3300 for semi auto Biochemistry analyzer (pc)
probe for pulse oximeter (paediatrics) (p/pc)
probe for pulse oximeter (Adult) (p/pc)
probe for noval blood gas analyzer (phox) (pc)
probe for Extention cable oxy F4 -H ( 4M/13ft) (p/pc)
probe (S.S) (Do)
prob for PCNL &URS different size (p/pc)
printer paper for nova 4 Electrolyte analizer (roll)
precut knif 200cm , 0.035 (p/pc)
pre Molar forceps ( lawer & uper Left & Right) (per piece)
potts seissor (small (Hilbro or Equivalent) (p/pc)
Potassium senson for nova 4 Electrolyte analyzer (pc)
post nasal Mirror (p/pc)
Post Nasal Mirror (std size)
Post Mortem set (complete) (Do)
Post mortem needle (Do)
portable Autoclave machine (Electrical) (Do)
Potypropylem suture No:4/0 Prome cutter ody needle (1/2 circle 20mm round needle) 70cm nust be CF/ EDA /ISO (P/Dozen)
Potypropylem suture No:3/0 Prome cutter ody needle (1/2 circle 20mm round needle) 70cm nust be CF/ EDA /ISO (P/Dozen)
Potypropylem suture No:3/0 Prome cutter ody needle (1/2 circle 30mm round needle) 70cm nust be CF/ EDA /ISO (P/Dozen)
Potypropylem suture No:2/0 Prome cutter ody needle (1/2 circle 30mm round needle) 70cm nust be CF/ EDA /ISO (P/Dozen)
Potypropylem suture No:1/0 Prome cutter ody needle (1/2 circle 35mm round needle) 70cm nust be CF/ EDA /ISO (P/Dozen)
Potypropylem suture No: 1 Prome cutter ody needle (1/2 circle 40mm round needle) 70cm nust be CF/ EDA /ISO (P/Dozen)
Potypropylem Mesn 7.6cm x 15cm must be CE/FDA/ISO Marked (Eithicon/Suture india (P/Dozen)
Potypropylem Mesn 6cm x 6cm must be CE/FDA/ISO Marked (Eithicon/Suture india (P/Dozen)
Potypropylem Mesn 15cm must be CE/FDA/ISO Marked (Eithicon/Suture india (P/Dozen)
Plural Biopsy needle (p/pc)
plunger (s.s) (Do)
Plester jansen retractor (solid left blade two prong right Blade) (p/pc)
Plester jansen retractor ( sloid right blade two prog left blade ) length 140mm (p/pc)
Platinrm wire (Do)
Platinrm loop (Do)
plate holding forceps for radius ulna humerus &femer (Do)
plate bender (Do)
plaster spreader (Do)
plaster cutting saw (Do)
plain forceps ( Hilbro or equivalent) (4''/6''/8'' p/pc)
plaggure (p/pc)
plager dental (p/pc)
pitutary forcep (Do)
paediatric right angle retractor (Do)
padiatric Anaesthesia circuit (Do)
padiatric introducer sheath (full set) (size 4F)
po2 Membrane for nova Blood gas analyzer (Phox) (6pcs /box)
Oros copes with spare buid banenes and speculum (minimum 2 year replacement warrenty) (p/pc)
Ostrum antrum punch straight curved to Right & left ( set of 3) (p/pc)
Osteoton assorted (p/pc)
Osteotome (p/pc)
Opopharyngeal air way tube1/2/3/4/5/ (p/pc)
O Ring for prestige 24i Tokyo Boeki (01 set)
Optical knife (p/pc)
Opthalmoscope (Large size metalic body ) Minium 2 year replacement warrenty (p/pc)
Oesophageal bougie dilator different size 1 set (p/pc)
Oesopnagen biopsi forceps (straight fight left and turned) (set of 4 Different size (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Obstetetric perforator cranioclast (p/pc)
Obstetetric forceps (Different size (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
O. Dponghue lacrimal probe set same as cat no IG -2816
Nucleus trosectpr (Do)
Nucleus Bisector (Do)
NSK straight hand piecs for micromotor (std size)
Non traumatic vessel forceps (150mm)
Nontraumathe intestinal clam straight (250m)
Nontraumathe forceps (20cm)
Nontraumathe forceps (300ml)
Non comea tracnoeostorny tube one set or different sizes (405mm,5.0mm,5.5mm,6.0mm,7.0mm, 8.0mm) (p/pc)
NIH catheter sterile (size 5F/6F)
NIH catheter sterile (size 4F)
NIH catheter (5FR/ 6FR/7FR/p/pc)
Nigas artery forcep (std size )
Neoratal intestinal clamp (p/pc)
Negus artery forceps (Replacement forceps) (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Needle holder Micro (curved) with out lock (11mm long jaws )
Needle holder Micro (straigh ) with out lock (Do)
Needle holder with angled ring (std size )
Needle holder with TC (Medium /large size)
Needle holder ss (6'',7'',8'')
Needle holder lower (152mm)
Needle holder kilner (160mm)
Needle holder for micro surgery (bayonet shape) (std size)
Needle holder ( Hilbro or equivalent) (4''/6''/8''/9''/10'' p/pc)
Needle holder (Gold plated) (Do)
Needle epidural (p/pc)
Needle cutingt body (24-26mm) curved (p/pc)
Nebulizer machine (Do)
near vision test drum (Do)
Near vision chart book (Do)
Nasogastric tube (NO:14,16,18)
Nasal sucker nazzles (various size)
Nasal scissors straigh curved to right & left (set of 3) (p/pc)
Nasal frees elevator (Do)
Nasal foreign body hook (p/pc)
Nasal Dressing forceps (straight) (7'',8'')
Nasal Dressing forceps (curved) (7'',8'')
Myringotome overall 190mm (p/pc)
Multipurpose catheter sterile (size- 6F A-l /A-ll)
Multipurpose catheter sterile (size- 5F A-l /A-ll)
Multipurpose catheter sterile (size-4F/Al/A-ll)
Mullin sheath sterile (size-6F/7F/8F)
Mullers self retaing skin retractor (p/pc)
Mueller vessel clip for vein (straight) (Do)
Mueller vessel clip for vein (curved) (std size)
MRI Dry medical Film (14 x 17) D1 2B compatible with agfa film (per sheet /per price) (p/pc)
MPL flow meter (p/pc)
MPL flow meter Moynehans gastric clamp (std size)
MPL flow meter (std size)
Morris retractor (1pc)
Moto for state fax 3300 semi auto Biochemistry analyzer (Big/ small)
Moynehnans forcep(Hilbro or equivatent) (p/pc)
Mono filament nylon (10/0 atroumaticpc)
Monitor (TV) for endoscope (std)
Molar forceps (lower& uper left&Right) (per piece)
Mixing pump tube set a for Mu 1 for prestige 24i tokyo Boeki (1set)
Mixing pump tube set a for Mu 1 for prestige 24i tokyo Boeki (1 set)
Miniplate ss container (Do)
Miniplate ss 6 holder with gap (p/pc)
Miniplate ss 6 holder with gap (Do)
Miniplate ss 4 holder without gap (Do)
Miniplate ss 4 holder with gap (std size)
Millin's retractor (std size)
Microscope bulb for path 6volt ,15watt Microscope model: Xsz -107B (china) (p/pc)
Microscope bulb 16 v, 20w/15v-100w (p/pc)
Micro burette set 150 ml (p/set)
Micro adson tissue forceps 1 x 2 teeth (120mm)
Micro spring scissors (straight) (180mm)
Micro spring scissors (straight) (150mm)
Micro spring scissors (straight) (130mm)
Micro spring scissors (curved) (180mm)
Micro spring scissors (curved) (150mm)
Micro spring scissors (curved) (130mm)
Micro sucker nozzle (Do)
Micro spring scissors (curved) (185mm)
Micro spring scissors (curved) (160mm)
Micro spring scissors (straight) (185mm)
Micro spring scissors (straight) (160mm)
Micro spring scissors (straight) (105mm)
Micro sickle knife (do)
Micro sickle knife (Do)
Micro scissors (vertical) (Do)
Micro scossprs (Jprozpmta;) (p/pc)
Micro popette 200-1000 ul (p/pc)
Micro popette 1000 ul (Fixed volume) (p/pc)
Micro pipette 05-50ul (p/pc)
Micro popette (digital) (all size )
Micro popette (10ml,100ml)
Micro needle holder (curved/straight) (150mm,160mm)
Micro Motor set (std size)
Micro forceps (serrate jaws) (Do)
Micro forceps (end gripping) (Do)
Mgomeclomy screw (p/pc)
Mezenbum scissoe(ss) (std size 8'')
Metalic bougie set (non magnetic) (Do)
Metalic aural specullem set of 3 blackened slotted and solid (p/pc)
Metled (p/pc)
Mehdrom vessel clips temporary (6 x 1.4mm)
Mehdorm vessel clips temporary (4 x 1.0 mm)
Measuring cylinder (1000ml/pcs)
Measuring cylinder (500ml/pcs)
Mc pherson tying forceps straight same as cat no IG -3342 (p/pc)
Mc pherson forceps (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Mc pherson angled tying forceps same as cat No-so -138 segal (p/pc)
Mayos trolly (p/pc)
Mayo's scissor (curve ) Medium (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Mayo's scissor (curve ) large (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Mayo scissors (large size)
Mayo scissors (Medium size)
Myo Hagar needle holder (8'')
Mostoid scoop of different sizes (set of 3) (p/pc)
Mostoid retractor differentsize (10 cm 13cm 16 cm) (p/pc)
Mallicot catheter (p/pc)
Mallet (80mg)
Malleolar screw (Do)
Magnafying loup (p/pc)
magills intubating forceop (small /large size(pc))
Macro barraquers needle hoder with lock (p/pc)
Macro barraquers needle hoder with lock (p/pc)
Macro barraquers needle hoder (p/pc)
Lumber puncture needle (0.53 x 88mm,)
Lucas chisel (6mm, 160mm)
Luc's forceps (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Lower moler universal forcep (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Lower anterior forcep (Dental ) Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Longgen back retractor (p/pc)
Long tonsillar artery forcep (plain) (do)
Long tonsillar artery forcep (dissecting) (std size p/pc)
Long introucer smeam seme sneam short guide wire punctur needle with control value with dialator) (size-6F/7F, 45cm)
LMA sixe (paediatic size small medium Large ) (p/pc)
Liver Biopsy needle (p/pc)
Lithium sensor for nova Electrolyte Analyzer (3/pk)
Liston Bone cutting forceps (straigtht) (140mm)
Lister hook (Do)
Line filter for prestige 24i tokyo bocki (01 set)
Light source for fiber optic layngoscope (Do)
Liga clip (Box of one 160pcs)
Lifter jar (p/pc)
Lifter (Do)
Leukomed T plus sterile water proof film dressing with pad (p/pc)
Leukomed T plus sterile water proof film dressing with pad (7.2 x 5cm)
Leukomed IV (steril IV Dressing) (5.8 x 8cm)
Leukomed (sterile Adhensivepost op Dressing) (10cm x 25cm)
Leukomed (sterile Adhensivepost op Dressing) (10cm x 20cm)
Lens manipulator with 0.2 mm dia blaunt tip same as cat No 1828 (p/pc)
Lens manipulator blunt tip (p/pc)
Lens holding forceps cat (p/pc)
Lens holding forceps (Micro) (p/pc)
Lens extracting hook sharp tip sme as cat No IG-1998 (p/pc)
Lempert endaural bivalve speculum (p/pc)
LEMPERT elevator curved 7mm wide length 18cm (p/pc)
Left venticular vent catheter (sterile) (size- 16F)
Left venticular vent catheter (sterile) (size-14F)
Lead sheet (Do)
Lead Glass (Do)
Lead Apron (Do)
LasterHook (p/pc)
Laryngoscope with Magills type blade 3 b;ade (std size)
Laryngoscope set with blade for children (various size)
Laryngoscope bulb 5v 2.5 v (p/pc)
Laryngoscope (large size metallic body)Minium 2year Replacement warrenty) (p/pc)
Laryngeal sucker (Do)
Laryngeal scissors ( straight righr&left turned ( set of 3) (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Laryngeal mirror of different size (set of 4) (p/pc)
Laryngeal micro scissors (Do)
Laryngeal mask (size
Larynageal foreign body forceps (Different size) (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Laryngeal biopsy forcep (Dmerant size& angulations straight up right&left turend (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Laryngeal biopsy forcep (cutted) (Do)
Larkin hand perforator of different size (set of 3) (p/pc)
Laparoscopic spatula (Do)
Langhenback retractor (p/pc)
Lang twin (p/pc)
Lactometer (std size)
Lacrimal prove (various size(pc))
K wire plier/bender (Do)
Kwire (Do)
Kocker's thyroid retractor (Do)
Kocker Forceps (Straight) (Do)
Kocker Forceps (curved) (Do)
Knot pusher (p/pc)
Knife holders (Do)
Klian's nasal spacular(short) (Do)
Klian's nasal spacular(Long) (Do)
Killians nasal speculum different size (set of3) (p/pc)
Kidney Tray S.S (small size)
Kidney Tray S.S (Medium size)
Kidney Tray S.S (Large size)
Kidney pot (Do)
Kidney Dish (p/pc)
Kidney cockrs forceps (straight) (Do)
Kidney cockrs forceps (curved) (Do)
Key pad for Eppendorf ECOM semi Auto Biochemistry Analyzer (1pc)
Kelmane Mcpherson forceps angled or straight same as Appa co (Do)
Keli's punch forceps (For Glaucoma dept) (Medilac)
Karman's (MR) sopring with conule (p/pc)
Kantrowitz dissecting ligature clamp (240mm)
Kaltz needle holder (std size)
K. file (45-80)(6pcs per box) (25mm)
K. file (15-40)(6pcs per box) (21mm, 25mm)
K wire introducer (Do)
Knail reaming set (Do)
Jurdd allies intestinal forceps (155mm)
June burr burush (p/pc)
Judkins coronary catheter - sterile (size-6F 5.0left/ right shape)
Judkins coronary catheter - sterile (Size-6F left shape-4)
Judkins coronary catheter - sterile (Size-6F left shape-4)
Judkins coronary catheter - sterile (size-6F, Right shape-3.5)
Judkins coronary catheter - sterile (size-6F 3.0 left shape-3.5)
Judkins coronary catheter - sterile (size-6F 3.0 Lert shape)
Judkins coronary catheter - sterile (size-6F 3.0 Lert shape)
Judkins coronary catheter - sterile (size- 5F 3.5 Right shape)
Judkins coronary catheter - sterile (sixe-5F 3.5 Left shape )
Jowlin thyroid retractor (p/pc)
Jobson's horm with probe (std size)
Jobson horne probe with ring curette (p/pc)
Jennigs mouth Gag (p/pc)
Jansen struycken septum cutting forceps (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
ISHIHARA test charts for color blindness same as cat No; IG 9349 (Medilac)
Irwin moore nasal forceps (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Irrigating vectis (Do)
IRR bulb 14v - 150W (p/pc)
Iris lest chart for color blindness (Do)
IRIS scissor (p/pc)
Iris retractor (pack of 4 retractor) (Do)
Iris Repository (p/pc)
Irish reposition (Do)
Irish Forceps (std size)
IPD catheter set- Child (signal)
IPD catheter set- Adult (signal)
Introducer sheath sterile (sheath short guide wire punctur needle with control valve with dialator) (size-9F)
Introducer sheath sterile (sheath short guide wire punctur needle with control valve with dialator) (size-8F)
Introducer sheath sterile (sheath short guide wire punctur needle with control valve with dialator) (size- 7F)
Introducer sheath sterile (sheath short guide wire punctur needle with control valve with dialator) (size 6F)
Introducer sheath length 7.5cm sterile (sheath short guide wire punclur needle with control valve with dialator) (size 6F)
Introducer sheath length 7.5cm sterile (sheath short guide wire punclur needle with control valve with dialator) (size -5F )
Introducer sheath length 7.5cm sterile (sheath short guide wire punclur needle with control valve with dialator) (size -4F)
Introducer needle (size 16G x 70-80mm long )
Intestinal fixation forcep babcock (203mm)
Intestinal clamp (Plain stright) (Do)
Intestinal clamp (crush curved) (Do)
Intestinal clamp (crush stright) (Do)
Intestinal clamp (crush curved) (Do)
Intencitying screen High speed (10'' x 8'')
Intencitying screen High speed (12'' x 10'')
Intencitying screen High speed (15'' x 12 '')
Intencitying screen (15'' x 12'') (p/pc)
Intencitying screen (14'' x 14'') (p/pc)
Intencitying screen (12'' x 10'') (p/pc)
Intencitying screen (10'' x 12'') (p/pc)
Instrument Tray s,s e lid (10'' x 12'')
Instrument Tray s,s e lid (8'' x 10'')
Instrument Tray s,s e lid (12'' x 15'')
Inore open gear bone drill machine (p/pc)
Initial pancture needle with 3rd piece (p/pc)
Infiltration needle (Dental) (p/pc)
Incision Enlarging scissor (Std size)
Incinator (Do)
Ice bag (std size )
I.A tip 0.3mm Gold 365-1007 Alcon (p/pc)
Hydrometer (p/pc)
Hydro dissection cannula j shaped same as cat Nop IG: 6025A (p/pc)
Hydro dissecting cannula angled 11 shft 25,26,27, gauge same as cot No IG: 6052 (p/pc)
Hydro disscting canula (p/pc)
Hydro disscting canula (Do)
Humveus skin grafting knife (p/pc)
Howarth Elebator Double ended (curved) (Do)
Houses cut out suction adaptor (p/pc)
Hough pick (curved fine Needle ) black Rosen fine probe/shea pick) (p/pc)
Hot water sterilizer (Electrical) (std size )
Hot water bag (Do)
Hot water bag (Do)
Hilan twist drill (various size )
Higginson syringe (p/pc)
Hexagonal serew driver (4.5mm, 3.5 MM)_ (p/pc)
Hexagonal screw (3.5/4.5)
Hernia retractor (8'' x 10'')
Henkles forceps (Hilbro or equicatent) (p/pc)
Hegar mayo needle holder (30mm)
Head element for water sterilizer (220/230v,1500w/2000)
Head mirror maze metal (std size)
Head mirror (Do)
Hb Measuring tube (Do)
Haskin forceps (std size)
Hartman's Dressing forceps (std size)
Hartman Mosquito Forceps 3'' to 4'' long curved same as cat No-AA-3920Appa /Medelec (p/pc)
Hartman Mosquito Forceps 3'' to 4'' long curved same as cat No-AA-3925Appa /Medelec (p/pc)
Hartman mosquito (straigh) (3'',4'' long)
Hartman mosquito (curved) (3'',4'' long)
Hart mann ultra fine aural forceps (cocodile action extra fine serrated jaws 70mm to should jaw legth 7mm,3mmjaw eidth 1.2mm;5mm ) set of 2 (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Harm's trabeculotom (for Glaucoma dept) (p/pc)
Hand wash Brash (p/pc)
Hand piece of pneumatic laihotritor (p/pc)
Hand piece for micreo moto Drill (std size)
Hand drill machine (p/pc)
Hammer maxe metal (p/pc)
Hammer (std size)
Hmaby lofe skin graft handle (std size)
Hamby lofe skin giaft blade (p/pc)
Halogen photo optic lamp xenopno 12volt 75watt Reflector type same as cat No' HLY4015 (p/pc)
Halogen Lamp for state fax 3300 semi Auto Biochemistry Analyzer (1pc)
Halogin lamp for inarrect opbtamoscope,6 volt 20 watt Microscoper Model:CH2 olympus lamp (p/pc)
Halogin lamp for inarrect opbtamoscope,6 volt 10watt (for Apasamy indirect opbtamoscope Mod AAC 2/AAC7 (p/pc)
Halogen lamp for Eppendot ECOM semi Auto Biochemistry Analyzer (1 set)
Halogin Bulb for operating Microscope ,12v 100watt(reflactror type) (p/pc)
Halogen Bulb for microscope (6 volt/20watt, p/pc)
Haginson's syringe (std size )
Hagger's Dilator (p/pc)
Haemostatic forceps (straight) (jsmall size 4'')
Haemostatic forceps ( straight) (medium size 6'')
Haemostatic forceps ( straight)) (Large size 8'')
Haemostatic forceps ( curve) (small size 4'')
Haemostatic forceps ( curve) (medium size 6'')
Haemostatic forceps ( curve) (large size 8'')
Haemoglobinometer (Do)
Haemocytometer (Do)
Guture tying Forceps (Do)
Gum scissors (std size)
Guide wire short j tipped (p/pc)
Guide wire long j tipped (p/pc)
Guide wire J-type (0.032mm x145cm,150cm(sterile))
Guide wire J-type (0.032mm x 145cm,150cm(sterile)
Guide wire J-type (0.032mm x145cm,150cm(sterile))
Guide wire J-type (0.025mm x145cm(sterile))
Grasper for URS different size (p/pc)
Graefe strabismus Hook (Do)
Gloves (surgical rubber hand) sterile (Size- 6.5/7/7.5(per pair))
Gloves (surgical rubber hand) Non sterile (size 6.5/7/7.5/(per pair))
Glass syringes (10ml (pc))
Glass syringes (2ml,5ml)
Glass petrish (Small size)
Glass petrish (Medium size )
Glass petrish (Large size)
Glass petrish (p/pc)
Glass inomer fithy (20 micro liter )
Glass hemaoglobin pipette (0.1ml)
Glass bottle (Reagent Battle) (200ml)
Glass bottle (Reagent Battle) (500ml)
Glass Beaker (100ml)
Glass Beaker (500ml)
Glass Beaker (250ml)
Glass Beaker (p/pc)
Gillies Forcep (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Gigli saw Guide (p/pc)
Giggli saw (Do)
Giggli Handle (std size )
Gastro jejunostomy clamp (Do)
Galli pot (Non magnetic) (Do)
Galipot (p/pc)
G,P point No (15-80,15-40) (per picec)
Fullers tracheostomy tube (Do)
freer elevator (p/pc)
Free Elevator sharp -198cm (p/pc)
Free Elevator sharp &blunt (Do)
Free Elevbator blunt-19cm (p/pc)
Fragmatome accessories for virectormy (p/pc)
Foreign body sapped (std size)
Forceps sponge holding ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps screw Holding ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps Mosquito( Hilbro or equivalent) (curved/straight, p/pc)
Forceps Mixter( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps Lung holding ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps kocher- ( Hilbro or equivalent) (6''/8'' p/pc)
Forceps kidney biopsy ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps Fixation Eye 2/3( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps Desjardins Gall stone ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps chettle /Lifter ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps Bone holding (small)( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps Artery straight -8''( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps Artery straight ( Hilbro or equivalent) (4''/6'',p/pc)
Forceps Artery curved -8'' ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps Artery curved ( Hilbro or equivalent) (4''/6'' p/pc)
Forceps Allis tissue -8''( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps allis tissue ( Hilbro or equivalent) (4''/6'',p/pc)
Forceps (Lifter) (Large /medium)
Forceps Tongue Holding ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps Magil's ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps kocher-4'' ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps sinus ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Forceps sinus ( Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Fogart Emblectomy catheter ( sterite in each ) FD A /TUV (size -2F/3F/4F/5F/6F/7F)
Flushing curette (p/pc)
Flatus tube (No: 14,16,18)
Fixation hook duble sharp same as cat No-so -221/ Medelec (p/pc)
Fixation Forceps 1x2 teeth same as cat No AA-3300 (p/pc)
Fixamull stretch (Wide area dressing fixation) (10m x10cm)
Fish tail gauge (Do)
Fish incision knife (std size)
Fine tying forceps straight same as cat No IG -3308
Fine tying forceps (straight) (std size)
Fine toothed Forceps ( Hibro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Fine Tip ploain dissecting forceps (std size)
Fine tip Moyniham Forgs (p/pc)
Fine sucker Nozzle (ENT) (p/pc)
Fine skin hook (p/pc)
Fine scissor (ss)for eye (straight) (std size)
Fine scissor (ss)for eye (curved) (Do)
Fine curved scissor (ss) (Do)
Fine skin retractor (Do)
Filter for HD plant 8'' (p/pc)
Filter for HD plant 20'' (p/pc)
Filter for HD plant 12'' (p/pc)
Filter for HD plant 10'' (p/pc)
Film hanger (small size )
Film hanger (Medium size )
Film hanger (Large size )
Film hanger (37cm)
Fibraoptic Light carrier for regid oesophagus (12cm)
Fiber optic laryngosope (std size (pc))
Femoral cathetor (std size (pc))
Feeding tube (NO: 5,6,7,8,10,14,16,18pc)
Feeding fase (No: 6,8,10,16,18,20)
Fareer's nasal Elevator (Nasal) (p/pc)
Face mask for anaesthesia (p/pc)
Face Mask (rubber) (Large/Medium size)
Eye speculum (p/pc)
Eye shield (plastic) (per pair )
Eye scissors Delicate pointed Curve 3.5,same as cat No-340 segal/Medelec (p/pc)
Eye scissors Delicate pointed Curve 3.5,same as cat No-114 segal/Medelec (p/pc)
Eye lid retractor (p/pc)
Eye Drape (non woven) (p/pc)
Eye chart (for illiterate) (p/pc)
Extra backup Guiding catheter (size -7F3.5)
Extra backup (voda) (size -6F curve 3.0/3.5/4.0)
Ext. Forcep set (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Exavator (p/pc)
Eve's tonsil snare (Do)
Eugenol (500mlp/bottle)
ESR stand (Non metallic ) (3,5,10,stand)
ESR stand (Metallic) (3,5,10 stand)
Eppendrop tube 5ml (1000 pcs /box)
Episiotomies scissors (ss) (std size)
Episiotomies scissor (Do)
Ependrop tube (1000/pack )
Enucleating scissor (Do)
ENT trocher with canula (Do)
Endotreacheal cuffed& none cuffed tube (size 5.5to 9 size)
Endo tracheal Tube (Non Cuffed) Plastic (No-40-60mm)
Endo tracheal Tube (Cuffed) Plastic (No65-90mm)
Endo tracheal Tube (Cuffed) Plastic (NO40-60mm)
Endo tracheal Tube (Cuffed) Plastic (No25-40mm)
Endo tracheal Tube (Non cuffed ) plastic (2-10mmID)
Endo tracheal Tube (Non cuffed ) plastic (No65-90mm)
Endo tracheal Tube (Non cuffed ) plastic (No25-40mm)
Endo capsular tension ring (std size)
Emergency light (charge light) (std size )
Ellickis Evacuator (p/pc)
Elevator set (p/pc)
Electric Micromotor ( Electric hand drill )(Minimum 18 months rep;acement warrenty) (p/pc)
Electric bone saw (Do)
EDTA Tube (1000/pack )
Echo paper 2.D (upp-110HG) (110mm-18mm Roll)
Ear syringe (p/pc)
Ear Metal syringe (Do)
Ear Foreign body hook (p/pc)
E.S.R Tube glass with rack (westem green &wintrobe) (std size)
E.S.R Tube glass with scale (westem green &wintrobe) (std size)
E.S.R Tube (Do)
E.N,T set (complete) (Do)
E.M.G paper (p/pc)
E.M.G needle (p/pc)
ECG paper (6 channel)(A4 size) (p/pakt)
E,C,G paper (3 channel ) Z folding 90mm wide x 30m long 150 pages (p/pakt)
Dynamic compresson plate ( Narrow) (Do)
Dynamic compresson plate ( Heavy) (Do)
Dushcane Tube ((14/16/18))
Dushcane jar (1liter )
Durogrip wire twister broad jaw (150mm)
Durogrip needle holder (150mm)
Durogrip Ligature cutting pliers (140mm)
Durogrip Gillies Needle Holder and sessors (std size)
Durogrip castroviejo Needle Holder (145mm)
Durogrip Adson Dissecting forceps (120mm)
Durogrip Adson Dissecting forceps (145mm)
Durogip wertheim needle holder (30m)
Durogip needle holder bajshaped (275mm)
Durogip needle holder (115mm)
Durogip hegar needle holder (245mm)
|Durogip hegar mauyo needle holder (Do)
Duel suce C.T scam (14x17)compatible with FUJI FILM (per sheet /per prices ) (p/pc)
Droper (plastic) (100pcs/Box)
Drill sleeve (Do)
Drill Guide (Do)
Drill Bit (Do)
Drill bar (various size )
Dressing drum ( surgical ) ss , Non Magnetic (9''x9'')
Dressing drum ( surgical ) ss , Non Magnetic (12''x15'')
Dressing drum ( surgical ) ss , Non Magnetic (10''x12'')
Dressing drum ( surgical ) ss , Non Magnetic (6''x6'')
Dressing drum ( surgical ) ss , Non Magnetic (6''x9'')
Drain Tube (std size)
Doyens Rib shear (Do)
Doyens retractor (std size )
Doyens periosteal respatory (Do)
Doyen's Mouth Gag (p/pc)
Doyens intestinal clamps (DO)
Ddoyen rastatory( Right side) (child size)
Ddoyen rastatory( Right side) (Adult size)
Double lumen sub-clavin catheter set complete kit including guide wire dilator etc (p/set)
Double lumen sub-clavin catheter set complete kit including guide wire dilator etc (p/set)
Double lumen endotrachial tube (std size )
Double lumen Endobronchial Tube -33, 35,37,L/R (p/pc)
Double Action Bone nibbler Angled (p/pc)
Dormia Busket FR 4, 2.5 (p/pc)
Distil Water (500ml/bottol)
Dissecting seissoes (std)
Dissecting forceps (plain) (small size)
Dissecting forceps (plain) (Medium size )
Dissecting forceps (plain) (Large size )
Dissecting forceps (tooth) (small size )
Dissecting forceps (tooth) (Medium size )
Dissecting forceps (tooth) (Large size )
Dissecting forceps (std size)
Disposable x-Ray Gauge swab(synapse international or equivalent) (10cm x10cm 12ply)
Disposable x-ray detecatable spongs (synapse international or Equivalent) (30cm x30cm(9ply)
Disposable temporary pacemake lead light green/black type sterile (size- 5F/6F)
Disposable plastic syringe with needle (50ml(pc))
Disposable plastic syringe with needle (20ml(pc))
Disposable plastic syringe with needle (10ml (pc))
Disposable plastic syringe with needle (3ml/5ml (pc))
Disposable Manifold (plastic made sterile)
Disposable insulin syringe with needle (1ml)
Disposable catidge needle (26/27/28 gauge )
Dingman mouth spereader frame only (std size)
Dimond bar for turbine hand piecs (round. Fissue .inverted cane) (std size)
Dilator Haggers set (Do)
Dathermy Handle switch (std size )
Diathermy cable with Handle for (mono polar) valley lab Dathermy Machine (Disposible) (p/pc)
Diathermu cable with Handle (bi-polar) (Disposible) (p/pc)
Diathermy cable with foot switch for valley lab diathermy Machine (p/pc)
Diathermy body plate (std size )
Diathermy bi polar forcep 7.5mm tip (p/pc)
Diamond pencil (std size )
Diamond dust forceps (for vitrectomy) (Do)
Diamond bar (Round fissure inverted )
Dialyzer Artificial kidney cellular Accetat/Haemophanb suface area - 1.00-1.25 square meter ( japan or equivalent) (p/pc)
Deschamps needle curved (Right) (280mm)
Deschamps needle curved (blunt) (280mm)
Deoderm Gaze (Do)
Deoderm (size :2x4, 3x3, 6x6)
Denucleating scssor (Do)
Dental twizer (Do)
Dental probe (Do)
Dental press (Do)
Dental Mirror e handle (plastic) (Do)
Dental Mirror e handle (Metallic) (std size)
Dental light (wall bucket)_ (Do)
Dental forceps (upper root) (Do)
Dental forceps (upper molar ) Reft side (Do)
Dental forceps (upper molar ) left side (Do)
Dental forceps ( upper anterior) (Do)
Dental forceps (Lower root) Lower anterior (Do)
Dental forceps (lower molar) (Children size )
Dental forceps (lower anterior) (Do)
Dental forceps (lower anterior) (Adult size)
Dental forceps (baynet forceps) (Do)
Dental forceps (Lower root) (Do)
Dental flux (Do)
Dental Excavator (single ended) (Do)
Dental Excavatore (double ended) (Do)
Dental elevator (straight) (std )
Dental elevator (Right angular) (Do)
Dental elevator (left angular) (p/pc)
Dental Elevator ( Crayer ) (std size )
Dental Drill (Electrical) with NSK hand piece (Do)
Dental Autoclave machine (Do )
Dental Elevator ( warwick james ) (std size )
Denis Bowne Forceps (Hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc )
Denhardt Mouth Gag (p/pc )
Delicate crushing Hook (p/pc )
Decapitation hook (Do)
De Bakey's forceps (Do)
Debachey Forceps 6'' (Hibro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Deavers retractor (Do)
Deavers Abdominal retractor (std size)
DCR punch Forceps ( Hibro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Dark room safelight box (Do)
Daevers liver vetractir (small&Medium) (p/pc)
Dabis boyel mouth gag (4.25/5.5)
D.H.S plate ( bable plate) (4,6,8,10 hole )
D.C.R Trifline (4,6,8,10 hole )
D.C.R set (eye) (std size p/pc)
D&C set (std size p/pc)
Cyclo dialysis spatula (Double ended) (std size p/pc)
Cuvette support for Eppendort ECOM semi Auto Biochemistry Analyzer (1 set)
Cutter pack (vertical) (std size p/pc)
Cutaneous Hooklet (9mm width , 152mm long )
Cuscus self retaining vaginal speculum (std size p/pc)
Cuscus self retaining vaginal speculum (std size p/pc)
Curve Needle Holder (medium) Hibro or equivalent (p/pc)
Currette spoon (p/pc)
Cunea traceneostomy Tube one set or different sizes (4.5mm, 5.0mm, 5.5mm, 6.0mm, 6.5mm, 7.0mm, 7.5mm, 8.0mm) (p/pc)
Cros section forcep (std size )
Cross action folder forceps same as cat No f-120 lnor (p/pc)
Croneal enlarging sessors (line) (Medilac )
Croneal enlarging scissors (Medilac )
Crocodile forcep (std size p/pc)
Cranioclast (std size p/pc)
Cranio perforator (std size p/pc)
Cover slip (22x22) (100pcs/Box)
Cover slip (18x18) (100pcs/Box)
couscose (vvaginal speculam) (std size p/pc)
Cournand catheter sterile (size -45F/5F/6F)
Counter sink ((3.5/4.5/5.5mm))
Cortical screw (p/pc)
Corrugated Rubber sheel (1'x1') (p/pc)
Corrugated Rubber Drain sheel (per ft)
Cornesi cutting block made of teflon, same as cat No -Ig -2596 (p/pc)
Cornel trephine (various size p/pc)
Coneal scissors (ss) long blade (various size p/pc)
Corneal punch with corneal Y trephine (various size p/pc)
corneal scissors (ss) curve balade (std size p/pc)
coplin jar (std size p/pc)
Contrakes Microscope bulb Type 7023 FCRAI /215 12v-100w GY6-35 (std size p/pc )
concal Fluz (1000ml/pcs)
concal Flux (500ml / pcs)
composite filling materals (std size p/pc)
Colorineter (std size p/pc)
Color Dppler paper e Ribbon (UPC 21L YPC 22L)
Colibri Forceps (std size p/pc)
Clip applicator for general surgery (std size p/pc)
Clinical thermoneter ( centigrade/Farenhit) (std size p/pc)
Clark Eye speculum open Bloade (same as cat No-AA-1090 Medelec)
Clamp shirodker (p/pc)
Clamp Oshaugnessy (std)
Clamp Hysterectomy (p/pc)
Clamp E.C.G Machine (p/pc)
Clamp Arterial (p/pc)
chloride sensor for Nova 4 Electrolyle Analyzer (4/pk)
Chittle forceps (Lifter ) (std size)
chissel |Assorted (p/pc)
chiron lamp (p/pc)
china Micro Moto Unit ( Elecrtic) (p/pc)
chest drain set (p/pc)
cheek Relaractor (p/pc)
Chalazion Hook (Large /Medium/Small size)
cervical dilators (Different size) (p/pc)
Centrifuge tube (glass) (Do )
Centrifuge Machine (6hole)
Centrifuge Machine (12 hole )
cement spatula (std size(pc))
cement lifter (Do)
cell seeker with curette (std size)
C-clump pointed drill guide (various size)
cat's paw retractor (small /large size(pc))
catheter rubber (Female ) (Do)
catheter rubber (Male) (Do)
Catheter Mount with connector (p/pc)
Catheter Metallic (female ) (Do)
Catheter Metallic (Male) (Do)
Catheter foleys 3 way (No: 16,18,20,22)
Catheter foleys 2 way (No: 6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20)
Catheter (paediatric) (Male)
Catheter (paediatric) (Female)
castroviejo Micro scissors (Curved same as cat No IG 4302B )
castroviejo Eye calliper (std size)
castroviejo cyclodialysis spatula (Double ended with 0.25mm wide same as cat No IG -1998)
castroviejo cyclodialysis spatula (Double ended with 0.25mm wide same as cat No IG -1000)
castroviejo corneal trephine (6.5mm dia same as cat No AA-2013/Medelec)
castroviejo corneal trephine (9.0mm dia same as cat No AA 2018)
castroviejo corneal trephine (8.5mm dia same as cat No AA-2017+8.25mm)
castroviejo corneal trephine (7.5mm dia same as cat. No AA-2015)
castroviejo corneal trephine (8.0mm dia same as cat NO AA-2016)
castroviejo corneal trephine (7.0mmdia same as cat No AA-2014/ Medelec+7.25mm)
casting Machine (Dental) with all accessories (per pc)
carotid vascular patch PTFE/Dacron (Gelatin coated)
caroiovascular patch ptef (sneam Gran) thickness (mm) Dimension (cm) or with (15 x15 cm)
caroiovascular patch ptef (sneam Gran) thickness (mm) Dimension (cm) or with (0.6mm x10x15cmx0.4mmx0.6mm)
caroiovascular patch ptef (sneam Gran) thickness (mm) Dimension (cm) or with ( x 04mm)
cardiopladger Root cannula (size-5F /7F)
cardiac catheters -Y connector (std size )
cardiac catheters -PTCA balloon (3.0-10mm,3.5-10mm)
cardiac catheters -PTCA balloon (2.0-10mm,2.5-10mm)
cardiac catheters -PTCA balloon (1.25-6mm, 1.5-10mm)
cardiac catheters - plastic manifold (std size)
cardiac catheters pig tail (size 5F/6F)
cardiac catheters-NIH (size)
cardiac catheters introducing sheaths (size 5F/6F/7F)
cardiac catheters Diagnostic Ter4umo guide wire (size; 0.25'' 32''/35'')
cardiac catheters Fiagonstic Metallic guid wire (size; 32''/35'')
cardiac catheter Diagnostic judking Right (size : 5F-3.0/5F-3.5/5F-4.0/6F-3.0/6F-3.5/6F-4.0)
cardiac catheters Diagostic judkins Left (size : 5F-3.0/5F-3.5/5F-4.0/6F-3.0/6F-3.5/6F-4.0)
cardiac catheters Diagostic Amplatz (size Al 1 6F/Al 2 6F/ AR -1 6F/AR-2 6F)
cardiac catheters cournand (size 4F/5F)
cardiac catheters connecting Tube (Different size)
cardiac catheter 6F -3.5 (Left/ Right, p/pc)
capsulorhexis forceps (std size)
cannulated Hip screw (various size )
cannula suction (std size)
cannula IV (vanocath or Equivalent) (20G/22G/24G,p/pc)
cancellous screw (various size)
calazion clam (size large/Medium/small)
cable tracheostomy tube (Do)
Butter fly needle (16G 18G 20G 22G 24G P/pc)
Bur diameter polishing burr 1.0mm,2.3mm, 2.7mm 3.5mm, 5.0mm (p/pc)
Burr diameter Diamond pasted burr 1.2mm, 2.0mm, 3.0mm, 4.0mm (p/pc)
Burr diameter cutting Burr , 1.0mm 2.3mm 2.7mm 3.5mm 7.0mm (p/pc)
Bunnel hand drill (std size)
Bulldog clamp (Big small) (p/pc)
Bulb Radium 24v-25W (p/pc)
Bulb for stil lamp (Hagg streit Model)6 volt 4.5amp Machine cat no 900-030 (p/pc)
Bulb for ophthalmoscope Hein Mirflex 2 cat Nb Heine 038/2.5v (p/pc)
Bulb for ophthalmoscope keeler vista 2.5v/2.8v (p/pc)
Bulb for ophthalmoscope Hein Beta 200 cat No Hein XHL 069 2.5v (p/pc)
Bulb for ophthalmoscope (2.5v/8v,p/pc)
Bulb for ophthalmoscope (2.5v/8v,p/pc)
Bulb for ophthalmometer/ keratometer (6volt/2.4 amps )
Bulb for operatinf Microscope (12volt /100watt Halogen)
Bulb for larungoscope (adult (pc))
Bulb for larungoscope (paedratric(pc))
Bulb for indirect opthalmoscope (Heine ventage)
Bulb for indirect opthalmoscope (per piece all pupil killer)
Bulb for colorimeter (p/pc)
B scan paper , same as Ref M 986 Alcon/sany (p/ roll)
Brockenbrough needle (std size (pc))
Bracuar needle holder ss (for eye) (std size (pc))
Boulers Davis mouth gag (Retaractor with tongue depressor) (std size)
Boyle Davis Mouth Gag(child) (p/pc)
Boyle Davis Mouth Gag(Adult) (p/pc)
Boottle for sucker machine (2500 ml)
Bottle for sucker machine (1000 ml)
Bottle for sucker machine (500ml)
Boomerang needle (Do)
Bone shear (std size)
Bone screw driver (various )
Bone scoop s.s (Do)
Bone rongeur,straight (Do/pc)
Boone rongeur, curved (Do/pc)
Bone reduction forcep (Do)
Bone plate s.s (Do)
Bone osteotme (Do (PC))
Bone nibbler (Dubble Action) (p/pc)
Bone nibbler (small,Medium) set of 2 (p/pc)
Bone needle /pin (Do)
Bone lever (larze )
Bone lever (small size)
Bone hook (std size)
Bone holding self retaining retractor (small size)
Bone holding self retaining retractor (Large size)
Bone holding saw s,s (Do)
Bone holding forcep (Do)
Bone gauze s,s (Do)
Bone file s,s (Do)
bone drill machine (std size)
Bone cutting scissors double action (do)
Bone cutting saw (std size)
Bone cutting forceps (small,Medium )set of 2(hilbro or equivalent) (p/pc)
Bone curette (Do)
Bone clamp s,s (Do)
Bone cement (std size (pc))
Bone Awl (Large size)
Bone Awl (Medium)
Bone anal (std size (pc))
Blunt tip guide wire for interference screw fixation (Do(pc))
Blue tips (200-1000ml) (500pes/pack)
Blood line set (arterial and ve3nous ) universal (japanor equivalent) (p/pair)
Blood lancets (starile) (100pcs/box)
Blood lancets (disposable) (100pcs/box)
Blood giving set (Do)
Blood collecting weight machine (std size)
Blood Bag-triple (Do)
Blood bag -signal (Do)
Blood Bag -Double (Do)
Block needle (dental) (p/pc)
Blexi forcep (punch forcep) (Different degrees 0.45.90) Pc)
Blade beader and holder (12mm long)
Bit for bone drill machine (various size)
Bipolar hip prosthesis without fenestration (std size (pc))
Bipolar hip prosthesis with fenestration (std size (pc))
Bipolar diathermy forcep (7mm tip bayonet type (per set))
Bipolar cord (std size (pc))
Bipolar cautery (straigh /curve) for phaco Emulsification (Do)
Bipolar cable (Disposable )_for phaco Emulsification (std size (pc))
Biopdstand (pair ) with fixation plate (std size)
Biopsy forceps for cenix (Hibro or epuivalent) (p/pc)
Boinocular microscope (Do)
Bedpen (ss) (std size)
Beaker (Glass)_ (500ml(pc))
Beaker (Glass)_ (1000ml (pc))
Beaker (Glass)_ (250ml (pc))
Bathroon scale (wight Machine ) (Do)
Bange erscerotion spoon (small size)
Bange erscerotion spoon (large size)
Bandage cutting sessors ('8,9''pc)
Ballon infator set adaptor (For PTCA full set)
Bain circuit (child) (p/pc)
Bain circuit (Anesthesia) (Do)
Bain circuit (adult) (p/pc)
Back flush needle with silicon tipped (std size)
Babcock intestinal forcep (155mm)
Babcock forceps (Hilbro or equibatent) (p/pc)
B.scan paper (per roll)
B.Pblade sterile (Japan/China or equivalent) (Size-10/11/12/15/20/21/22/23/24/,p/pc)
B.P instrument aneroid (Do)
B.P Handle (Hilbro or equivalent) (No-3''/4''/7''/8'',p/pc)
Autosuture Royal skin Stapler (35 Pin) (p/pc)
Autoscope (std size)
Autoclave machine (Electrical) (std size)
Auroscope with light source (std size)
Aural metallic speculam (Large /Medium/Small size)
Atraumatic vicryl 3/8 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-8/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl 3/8 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-7/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl 3/8 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-6/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl 3/8 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-5/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl 3/8 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-4/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl 3/8 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-1/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl 3/8 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-3/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl 3/8 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-2/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl 3/8 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-1/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl 3/8 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-1(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl 1/2 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-6/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl 1/2 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-5/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl 1/2 circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-4/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl ½ circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-8/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl ½ circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-7/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl ½circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-3/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl ½ circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-1/0,2/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic vicryl ½ circle round body& cutting needle 76 cm (No-1(per Dozen))
Atraumatic silk braided mono filament3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-1(per Dozen))
Atraumatic silk braided mono filament3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-6/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic silk braided mono filament3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-5/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic silk braided mono filament3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-4/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic silk braided mono filament3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-3/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic silk braided mono filament3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-1/0,2/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic silk braided mono filament1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-3/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic silk braided mono filament1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-6/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic silk braided mono filament1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-5/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic silk braided mono filament1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-4/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic silk braided mono filament½ circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-1(per Dozen))
Atraumatic silk braided mono filament½ circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-1/0,2/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Pooline 3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-5/0,6/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Pooline 3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-4/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Pooline 3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-3/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Pooline 3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (NO-2/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Pooline 3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-1/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Pooline 3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-1(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Pooline 1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-5/0,6/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Pooline 1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-04/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Pooline 1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-3/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Pooline 1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (NO-2/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Pooline 1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-1/0 (per Dozen))
Atraumatic Pooline 1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-1(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Nylon 1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-5/0,6/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Nylon 3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-4/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Nylon 1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-5/0,6/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Nylon 1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-4/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Dexon 3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-3/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Dexon 3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-2/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Dexon 3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-1/0 (per Dozen))
Atraumatic Dexon 3/8 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-1(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Dexon 1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-2/0,3/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Dexon 1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-1/0 (per Dozen))
Atraumatic Dexon 1/2 circle round body&cutting needle 76cm (No-1 (per Dozen))
Atraumatic Chromic catagut 1/2 circle round body / cutting body (No-4/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Chromic catagut 1/2 circle round body / cutting body (No-6/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic chromic catgut 3/8 circle round body/ cutting body (No-5/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic chromic catgut 3/8 circle round body & cutting Needle 76cm (No-3/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic chromic catgut 3/8 circle round body & cutting Needle 76cm (No-1/0,2/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Chromic catgut 3/8 circle round body&cutting Needle 76cm (No-1 (per Dozen))
Atraumatic Chromic catgut 3/8 circle round body
Atraumatic Chromic catgut 1/2 circle round body / cutting body (No-5/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Chromic catgut 1/2 circle round body / cutting body (No-4/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Choromic catgut 1/2 circle round body / cutting body (No-6/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic Chromic catagut 1/2 circle round body / cutting body (NO-2/0(per Dozen))
Atraumatic chromic catgut 1/2 circle round body /cutting body (No-1/0 (per Dozen))
Atraumatic chromic catgut 1/2 circle round body /cutting body (No-1 (per Dozen))
Atraumatic chromic catgut 1/2 circle round body /cutting body (No-2 (per Dozen))
Atraumatic chromic catgut 1/2 circle round body /cutting body (No-3/0(per Dozen))
Aspiration Tube for Eppendorf ECOM semi Auto Biochemistry Analyzer (3 pcs)
Aspiration Tube for Eppendorf ECOM semi Auto Biochemistry Analyzer (3 pcs)
Ash's septum forceps (Do (PC))
Aschs septum forceps(Hilbro or equivatent) (p/pc)
A-sean paper (per role)
Articulator (dental) (P/pc)
Archbar (Erich Pattern) (Roll)
Aortic root Cannula (Size-16Guage Edwards life science)
Aortic root Cannula (Size-14 Gauge Edwards life seience)
Aortic cannula (Sterile) (8F/12F/14F/20F/22F/24F)
Antrum washing trocher with canula (std size)
Antrum curtte straight and curved (set of 2) (p/pc)
Antral puncture trocker & cannula (P/Pc)
Angular Elvator (P/Pc)
Angled bipolar forceps (Std Size)
Amputation saw (s.s) (large/medium/small)
Amplatz Catheter sterile (size-6F-R-1-Rll)
Ambu Bag (face mask) (Large/Medium/Small Size)
Ambu Bag (child)
Ambu Bag (adult)
amalgum Plugger (double ended) (Std Size)
Amalgum gum (Std Size)
Airway Tube (Plastic) (Large/Medium/Small)
Airway Tube (Metal) (Large/Medium/Small)
Airway Tube (Curved) (Large/Medium/Small)
Air Scaler (ultrasonic) (std size)
Air Motore with contrangular hand piece (Std Size)
Air Motor with compressor pump (Std Size)
Air injection canula (various size)
Air Detector for nova 4Electrolyte Analyzer
Adenoid curette with cage- different sizes (p/pc)
Admis plier with 3 rechangular beaks (Std Size)
Adams plier with 2 rechangular beaks (Std Size)
Abdominal Relatractor (Medium)
Abdominal Relatractor (Large)
40-P object (Microscope-NIKON)
Select Item
JMI Syringe
Select Brand
NIPRO JMI Pharma Ltd.
Select Company
Item Name
Brand Name
Market Rate
40-P object (Microscope-NIKON)
NIPRO JMI Pharma Ltd.
৳ 9350.00
Abdominal Relatractor (Large)
৳ 1265.00
Abdominal Relatractor (Medium)
৳ 1100.00
Adams plier with 2 rechangular beaks (Std Size)
৳ 990.00
Admis plier with 3 rechangular beaks (Std Size)
৳ 1100.00
Adenoid curette with cage- different sizes (p/pc)
৳ 1760.00
Air Detector for nova 4Electrolyte Analyzer
৳ 30000.00
Air injection canula (various size)
৳ 126.00
Air Motor with compressor pump (Std Size)
৳ 20130.00
Air Motore with contrangular hand piece (Std Size)
৳ 12320.00
Air Scaler (ultrasonic) (std size)
৳ 30000.00
Airway Tube (Curved) (Large/Medium/Small)
৳ 165.00
Airway Tube (Metal) (Large/Medium/Small)
৳ 220.00
Airway Tube (Plastic) (Large/Medium/Small)
৳ 110.00
Amalgum gum (Std Size)
৳ 605.00
amalgum Plugger (double ended) (Std Size)
৳ 242.00
Ambu Bag (adult)
৳ 3850.00
Ambu Bag (child)
৳ 6600.00
Ambu Bag (face mask) (Large/Medium/Small Size)
৳ 522.00
Amplatz Catheter sterile (size-6F-R-1-Rll)
৳ 1100.00