L-arginie + Proanthocyanidin + Folic Acid + Zinc


Pregnancy can be a delicate time for a mother. It can have several complications such as Pre-Eclampsia and IUGR (Intrauterine growth retardation). Previously the doctors advise to expectant mothers who suffer from this is to take rest as there is almost no treatment for this, UNTIL NOW. Presenting Pregcare. Pregcare contains L-arginie, Proanthocyanidin, Folic Acid, Zinc. L-Arginie helps to overcome pre-eclampsia by improving the blood flow and is very essential for the synthesis of Nitric  Oxide which is a vasodilator. Proanthocyanidin helps to reduce the UTI infection in pregnancy which may lead to pre-eclampsia. Folic Acid protects against fetal structural anomalies, including Neural Tube defects, preterm birth and congenital heart defects. Zinc is an essential component for embryogenesis, fetal growth and development and mammary gland function for milk synthesis and secretion. Pregcare significantly decreases blood pressure in pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) & pre-eclampsia, helps to improve amniotic fluid within 1-4 weeks, improves fetal growth & increases birth weight in IUGR. Pregcare is sugar free (Suitable for diabetic patients).

Dosage And Administration

As directed by healthcare professionals.

Storage Conditions

Store below 30 degree centigrade temperature. Protect from light and moisture. Keep out of the reach of children.