Cinchocaine Hydrochloride


Cinchocaine is indicated for Surface anaesthesia, Haemorrhoids


Cinchocaine prevents or diminishes nerve impulse conduction near to the site of admin. It also has membrane-stabilising effect owing to decrease of permeability of the nerve cell to sodium ions.

Dosage And Administration

Surface anesthesia: Use up to 1% cream or ointment topically for adult or as directed by physician


Complete heart block; pyogenic infection at or near the skin. Application to inflamed or infected tissues or to damaged skin mucosa; instillation into the middle ear.

Side Effects

Restlessness; excitement; nervousness; paraesthesias; dizziness; tinnitus; blurred vision; nausea; vomiting; muscle twitching; tremors; convulsions; hypotension; bradycardia; arrhythmias; cardiac arrest.

Pregnancy And Lactation

Pregnancy Category A. A number of epidemiological studies suggest that there could possibly be an increased risk of oral clefts among newborns of women who were treated with systemic glucocorticosteroids during the first trimester of pregnancy. As a general rule, topical preparations containing corticoids should not be applied during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Lactation: The excretion of effective amounts of glucocorticoid with the breast milk is improbable.

Precautions And Warnings

Elderly; debilitated patients; child; epilepsy; impaired cardiac conduction or respiratory function; shock; hepatic impairment; myasthenia gravis. Do not to rub or touch the eye while anaesthesia persists. Avoid application for prolonged periods and to extensive areas. Pregnancy, lactation.

Therapeutic Class

Local & Surface anesthesia

Storage Conditions

Store below 25°C.

Available Brand Names