Prednisolone + Neomycin Sulphate + Polymixin B Sulphate


This is indicated for steroid-responsive inflammatory ocular conditions where bacterial infection or a risk of bacterial ocular infection exists.


Prednisolone decreases inflammation by inhibition of migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and reversal of increased capillary permeability. It suppresses the immune system by reducing the activity and production of the lymphocytes and eosinophils.

Neomycin: Interferes with bacterial protein synthesis by binding to 30S ribosomal subunits.

Polymixin B Sulphate: Bactericidal; causes leakage of bacterial membrane

Dosage And Administration

Adult Use: Instill one drop into the conjunctival sac two to four times daily. During the initial 24 to 48 hours, the dosing frequency may be increased if necessary. Care should be taken not to discontinue the therapy before completing the course.

Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established.


Synergistic effects with penicillins. Additive toxicity with neurotoxic, ototoxic or nephrotoxic drugs. May decrease absorption of digoxin and methotrexate. May increase effects of oral anticoagulants.


Prednisolone Acetate is contraindicated in viral diseases of the cornea, conjunctiva and known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of this preparation or other corticosteroids.

Side Effects

Elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) with possible development of glaucoma and infrequent optic nerve damage, posterior subcapsular cataract formation and delayed wound healing.

Fungal and viral infections of the cornea are particularly may develop coincidentally with long-term applications of steroid.

Pregnancy And Lactation

Pregnancy Category C. Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.

Precautions And Warnings

This combination should be used with caution in patients with known hypersensitivity to the components of this preparation. Prolonged use of corticosteroids may result in damage to the optic nerve and defects in vision. If this product is used for longer period of time, intraocular pressure should be routinely monitored.

Therapeutic Class

Ophthalmic steroid - antibiotic combined preparations.

Available Brand Names