Multivitamin & Normal Saline


This is intended as a supplement for intravenous nutrition in order to meet the daily requirements of the water-soluble vitamins of dehydrated patients.


This is a sterile, lyophilized powder of water-soluble vitamins for infusion. It contains balanced amount of all the important water soluble vitamins which act as coenzymes of vital enzymes associated with crucial physiological processes, energy metabolism, cell growth and replenishment especially in brain and nerve cells. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and helps in collagen formation. Intravenous administration of this combination gives prompt action.

Dosage And Administration

Adults and children weighing 10 kg or more: 1 vial (10 ml) daily.
Children weighing less than 10 kg: should be given 1 ml of the dissolved mixture per kg body weight/day.



The contents of one vial are dissolved by the aseptic addition of 10 ml of one of the following:

  • Water for injection
  • Fat emulsion 10%
  • Glucose solution for infusion (5% to 60%)
  • Normal saline (0.9% Sodium Chloride)

This IV preparataion may be added to parenteral nutrition admixtures containing carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, electrolytes, and trace elements provided that compatibility and stability have been confirmed.


Vitamin B6 can reduce the effect of Levodopa. Folic Acid may lower the serum concentration of Phenytoin.


Known hypersensitivity to any of the components, e.g. Thiamine.

Side Effects

Allergic reactions may occur in patients hypersensitive to any component of the preparation, e.g. Thiamine.

Pregnancy And Lactation

Animal reproduction studies or clinical investigations during pregnancy have not been carried out with this preparation. However, there are published reports on safe administration of water-soluble vitamins in this patient group.

Precautions And Warnings

When Lyophilized Powder for Infusion is diluted with water based solutions, the admixture sould be protected from light. This is not necessary if lyophilized powder for infusion is diluted with intralipid because of the protective effect of the fat emulsion.

Overdose Effects

No adverse effects of an overdose of water-soluble multivitamin have been reported, with exception of cases of extremely high parenteral doses. The possibility of hypervitaminosis A and D should be considered if lyophilized powder for infusion is dissolved in another multivitamin injection.

Therapeutic Class

Multi-vitamin & Multi-mineral combined preparations.

Storage Conditions

Before reconstitution: Store at below 25°C in a dry place, protected from light. Keep out of reach of children. After reconstitution: The reconstituted this IV preparation should be added to the infusion solution aseptically immediately before the start of the infusion & used within 24 hours.