Liquid Dettol Liquid

1.3% (100 ml bottle)
Unit Price: ৳ 48.00


Disinfectant for skin and gloved hands; obstetrics, antiseptic lubricant for vaginal examinations and on forceps; for hand antisepsis .


Chloroxylenol is used in hospitals and households for disinfection and sanitation. It is also commonly used in antibacterial soaps, wound-cleansing applications and household antiseptics such as liquid (to which it contributes its distinctive odor), cream and ointments.

Dosage And Administration

Wash with one table spoonful of Chloroxylenol to a tumbler of water (1 in 13) for urgent application, undiluted Chloroxylenol may be used but not in a sensitive skin.


There are no known drug interactions and none well documented.



Side Effects

Skin sensitivity; irritation of conjunctiva, mucosal irritation; reversible brown staining of the teeth; tongue discoloration and burning sensation; transient taste disturbance; parotid gland swelling.

Pregnancy And Lactation

Pregnancy Category-Not Classified. FDA has not yet classified the drug into a specified pregnancy category.

Precautions And Warnings

Condition worsens or symptoms persist for more than 7 days or clear up and occur again within a few days

Therapeutic Class

Chlorhexidine & Chloroxylenol preparations