
This combination is indicated for-

  • As an adjunct to specific therapy for osteoporosis
  • Increased demand for Calcium, Vitamin-C and Vitamin-D such as pregnancy, lactation, period of rapid growing (in childhood, addoloscence) and in old age
  • In osteomalacia
  • The prevention and treatment of Calcium deficiency/ Vitamin-D deficiency especially in the housebound and hospitalized elderly subjects
  • As adjuvant in cold and influenza
  • Postmenopausal syndromes
  • Premenstrual symptoms
  • In high body temperatures
  • As alkalizing agent in conditions with systemic acidosis.


Calcium Gluconate is the gluconate salt of calcium. An element or mineral necessary for normal nerve, muscle, and cardiac function, calcium as the gluconate salt helps to maintain calcium balance and prevent bone loss when taken orally. This agent may also be chemopreventive for colon and other cancers.

Calcium carbonate is a basic inorganic salt that acts by neutralizing hydrochloric acid in gastric secretions. It also inhibits the action of pepsin by increasing the pH and via adsorption. Cytoprotective effects may occur through increases in bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) and prostaglandins. Neutralization of hydrochloric acid results in the formation of calcium chloride, carbon dioxide and water. Approximately 90% of calcium chloride is converted to insoluble calcium salts (e.g. calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate).

Calcium is used as a pharmacological agent in humans almost entirely to remedy deficiency. Adequate calcium in the blood is so vital to a wide variety of bodily functions that our internal biochemistry will not tolerate a deficiency even for short periods.

Vitamin-C is an essential component of the diet as humans cannot synthesize Vitamin-C. It is a very powerful reducing agent and plays an important part in the response of the body to stress. It is important in the defense against infections.

Vitamin-D is also essential for healthy bones as it aids in calcium absorption from the GI tract. In addition to this it stimulates bone formation. Clinical studies show that calcium and vitamin-D has synergistic effects on bone growth as well as in osteoporosis and fracture prevention.

Dosage And Administration

Adults and children of school age: 1 effervescent tablet daily
Children 3 to 7 years: ½ effervescent tablet daily
Infants: As prescribed by the physician

Dissolve one tablet in half glass (100 ml) of water.


The risk of hypercalcemia should be considered in patients taking thiazide diuretics since these drugs can reduce urinary calcium excretion. Hypercalcemia must be avoided in digitalised patients. Certain foods (e.g. those containing oxalic acid, phosphate or phytinic acid) may reduce the absorption of calcium. Concomitant therapy with phenytoin or barbiturates can decrease the effect of vitamin-D because of metabolic activation. The effect of digitalis and other cardiac glycosides may be accentuated with the oral administration of calcium combined with vitamin-D. Calcium salts may reduce the absorption of thyroxine, bisphosphonates, sodium fluoride, quinolone or tetracycline antibiotics or iron. It is advisable to allow a minimum period of 4 hours before taking the


Absolute contraindications are hypercalcaemia resulting from myeloma, bone metastases or other malignant bone disease, sarcoidosis; primary hyperparathyroidism and Vitamin-D overdosage. It is also contraindicated in severe renal failure and hypersensitivity to any of the tablet ingredients.

Side Effects

The use of Calcium supplements has rarely given rise to mild gastrointestinal disturbances, such as constipation, flatulence, nausea, gastric pain and diarrhoea. Following administration of Vitamin-D supplements occasional skin rash has been reported. Hypercalciuria, and in rare cases hypercalcaemia have been seen in long-term treatment with Vitamin-D at high doses.

Pregnancy And Lactation

During pregnancy and lactation treatment with this supplements should always be under the direction of a physician.

During pregnancy and lactation, requirements for calcium and vitamin-D are increased but in deciding on the required supplementation allowances should be made for availability of these agents from other sources.

Overdoses of vitamin-D have shown teratogenic effects in pregnant animals. Vitamin-D and its metabolites pass into the breast milk.

Precautions And Warnings

Patients with mild to moderate renal failure or mild hypercalciuria should be supervised carefully. Periodic checks of plasma Calcium levels and urinary Calcium excretion should be made in patients with mild to moderate renal failure or mild hypercalciuria. In patients with a history of renal stones urinary Calcium excretion should be measured to exclude hypercalciuria. With long-term treatment it is advisable to monitor serum and urinary Calcium levels and kidney function, and reduce or stop treatment temporarily if urinary Calcium exceeds 7.5 mmol/24 hours. Allowances should be made for Calcium and Vitamin-D supplements from other sources.

Overdose Effects

The most serious consequence of acute or chronic overdose is hypercalcaemia due to Vitamin-D toxicity. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, polyuria, and constipation. Chronic overdoses can lead to vascular and organ calcification as a result of hypercalcaemia. Treatment should consist of stopping all intakes of calcium and Vitamin-D and rehydration.

Therapeutic Class

Specific mineral & vitamin combined preparations

Storage Conditions

Store at a cool and dry place. Protect from light and moisture. Keep out of reach of children. Keep the container tightly closed.